Sporobolus heterolepis Ex. Weinheim

Weinheim is a town with about 43,000 inhabitants in northwest Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is in the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Regio…
Weinheim is a town with about 43,000 inhabitants in northwest Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is in the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region, approximately 15 km north of Heidelberg and 10 km northeast of Mannheim. Weinheim is known as the "Zwei-Burgen-Stadt", the "town of two castles", after two fortresses overlooking the town from the edge of the Odenwald in the east.
  • Country: Germany
  • State: Baden-Württemberg
  • Elevation: 135 m (443 ft)
  • Admin. region: Karlsruhe
  • District: Rhein-Neckar-Kreis
  • Subdivisions: Town centre and 10 quarters
  • Time zone: UTC+01:00 (CET)

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