International Tax Review (ITR)    

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Founded in 1989, ITR is a subscription-based website (and magazine) that provides analysis, opinion, news and expert articles to tax legal specialists. We do this by talking to market leaders …
Founded in 1989, ITR is a subscription-based website (and magazine) that provides analysis, opinion, news and expert articles to tax legal specialists. We do this by talking to market leaders and tax directors of the world’s biggest businesses. Our subscribers in industry, government and private practice can apply this insight to their workflows, and learn how these figures are dealing with the issues that matter most. ITR caters for our community of in-house tax teams within the areas of direct and indirect tax and transfer pricing. Within these areas, we also focus on controversy and litigation, technology and automation, tax compliance and much more. Join us today! #ITR

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Frequently asked questions

What is the timeline for implementation and how do countries’ individual approaches have an impact on multinationals?
When the Inclusive Framework of 140 countries agreed in 2021 to the two-pillar solution, the blueprint called for a ‘common approach’ for countries to adopt the GloBE...
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