Google, Apple
Newly disclosed court documents from the US Department of Justice's antitrust case against Google indicate the tech giant ...
Alphabet, Google’s parent company, paid Apple $20 billion to make Google its default search engine on iPhone’s Safari ...
AppleInsider sources claim Apple is working on a new AI search feature for Safari in iOS 18 and macOS 15. In addition, there ...
Both tech giants had hoped to shield the payment amount from public disclosure Alphabet Inc. paid Apple Inc. $20 billion in ...
Apple, according to recent reports, is in the final phase of bringing out Safari 18, the next-generation web browser that ...
Other changes expected in iOS include updates for Mail, Notes, and other key apps. The update isn't expected to ship to the ...
The upcoming Safari 18 will introduce a new feature called "Intelligent Search." This tool, which requires manual activation ...
Installing third-party apps in the EU could come with unwanted baggage as Apple's implementation is deemed a disaster.