マイクロソフト(Microsoft)はこの春、新設したコンシューマー向けAI部門のトップに、グーグル・ディープマインド(Google Deepmind)共同創業者のムスタファ・スレイマン氏を起用し、関係者の間でさまざまの憶測を呼んだ。
Inflection’s co-founder and CEO joined Microsoft with nearly all of the company’s employees as part of a deal in which the ...
The FTC is investigating Microsoft's deal with Inflection AI to see if it was structured to evade regulatory scrutiny, per ...
Key Takeaways The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is investigating Microsoft's relationship with Inflection AI, according to a ...
The U.S. competition watchdog is investigating whether Microsoft’s deal was structured in a way to avoid scrutiny from the ...
The commission has sent subpoenas to the tech giant and an AI startup, asking whether their partnership evaded a required ...
米連邦取引委員会(FTC)は、マイクロソフトが人工知能(AI)関連のユニコーンのInflection AI(インフレクションAI)と締結した契約に関し、同社 ...
Microsoft is facing a pair of new antitrust probes from the Federal Trade Commission, according to reports Wednesday evening ...
Microsoft is under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission over its deal with Inflection AI, according to The Wall ...
The Federal Trade Commission is investigating a recent Microsoft deal with artificial intelligence startup Inflection, ...
We all know Microsoft as a tech behemoth that's not shy about buying out other companies to get ahead. However, this practice ...
Anterior, a company that uses AI to expedite health insurance approval for medical procedures, has raised a $20 million ...