A gang of “black” transplantologists was exposed in Kiev: it consisted of dozens of doctors, and was headed by the former Deputy Minister of Health ...
"The goal is to drill the skills of defensive operations amid the enemy using the entire spectrum offensive weapons and activities of sabotage and reconnaissance groups," according to the statement ...
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says that Moscow considers the decision to supply the F-16 American fighters to Kiev ...
MOSCOW. June 4 (Interfax) - The Ukrainian national power grid operator Ukrenergo has had to start emergency power outages in Kiev as the city has exceeded power consumption limits, Sergei Kovalenko, ...
Barometer of wars, Netanyahu: "Timed truce for the hostages, then we'll see." Moscow: “Kiev attacks Russia with US missiles ...
Russia and Ukraine exchanged prisoners for the first time in months on Friday, but any hopes of de-escalation in the war were ...
Citizens have been urged to fund their own retirement and work as long as possible due to a demographic crisis Kiev will not ...
Lawmakers argued that the proposed 5 billion package would breach the countrys debt restrictions Reuters reported ...
DONETSK, June 2. /TASS/. Kiev does not issue official documents to those mobilized in the Ukrainian army in order not to pay compensation to their families in case they get killed, Maxim Likhachev, a ...
WASHINGTON | TASS | US President Joe Biden gave the Kiev government a secret permission to use US-supplied weaponry for ...
The UK has never placed restrictions on the way the Ukrainian military employs British-made Storm Shadow missiles, which ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin has threatened Europe with "serious consequences" if Ukraine is allowed to use long-range ...