A man was rescued after he fell over a cliff and plunged 40 feet down a waterfall, Oregon fire officials say. While the man ...
Rescuers set out to find a missing hiker in a popular Oregon river canyon, then learned he had been safe at home the entire ...
A specialized team was called to rescue a horse that fell through the floor of his stall, leaving him suspended between two ...
Watch the video above to witness the brave rescue from Brazil's flooded streets. A Brazilian animal disaster ...
With all odds against them and time running out, rescuer pulled off a miracle. The steel air tanks glittered under the beams of floodlights as a pair of rescuers defogged their masks and adjusted ...
BELDEN, Calif. - Rescuers looked for victims inside a car that crashed off Highway 70 into the rushing waters of the Feather ...
Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers approved a resolution allowing for the exemption from conscription, including State Emergency ...
Meanwhile, rescuers said two Randolph Mountain Club caretakers volunteered to search for the injured hiker. While trekking ...
Nigerian rescuers were trying to dig out around 30 miners trapped when an artisanal mining pit collapsed following torrential rains, an emergency official told AFP Wednesday.
In the Nikopol district of Dnipropetrovsk region, Russians attacked rescuers. One person is seriously injured, according to ...