Congratulations to my friend Narendra Modi on holding an election that respects this will and was conducted peacefully—a ...
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and First Lady Zinash Tayachew had attended an Orchid naming ceremony in Singapore where an orchid ...
South Korea is hosting the first-ever Korea-Africa Summit since the Korean government was founded in 1948 by inviting ...
It must have been sometime earlier this year, in the middle of a seven-month-long editing process, that I was told the word ...
The statement by Alemu Sime, Ethiopia’s Minister of Transport and Logistics, that the maritime Memorandum of… Sii akhri ...
Singapore and Ethiopia are exploring cooperation in areas such as transport, connectivity, digitalisation and capacity ...
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali is visiting Singapore from June 4 to 6. Read more at
As Eritrea celebrates its 33rd anniversary of Independence, Eritrean President Isaias Afeworki – in a speech to his people on ...
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed called on the Chinese construction company, China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), to ...
Numerous global political leaders are slated for key visits and events. These include Montenegro's President Jakov Milatovic ...
In 1896, Ethiopians triumphed over colonial forces in the historic Battle of Adwa, securing their country’s independence and ...
The opening ceremony was attended by His Excellency Dr Abiy Ahmed Ali, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of ...