Israel has returned broadcasting equipment belonging to the Associated Press, hours after seizing it in southern Israel and ...
T he Associated Press says Israeli authorities have seized a camera and broadcasting equipment belonging to the US news ...
The Associated Press on Tuesday said Israeli authorities had shut down its live camera feed showing Gaza and seized its ...
A screenshot taken from an Associated Press live feed shows a general view of northern Gaza, as seen from southern Israel, ...
Israeli officials seized a camera and broadcasting equipment belonging to The Associated Press in southern Israel, accusing the news organization of violating a new media law by providing images to Al ...
Israeli officials have reversed a decision to seize journalism equipment from the Associated Press on Tuesday in a move that ...
Authorities accused the Associated Press of breaking a new media law by providing material to the Al Jazeera news channel.
If Israel wants to claim the mantle of ‘the only democracy in the Middle East,’ it needs to act like it,’ said a spokesperson ...
The AP "decries in the strongest terms" Israel's shutting down of the news agency's live Gaza video feed to clients and its ...
AP reported that the equipment was only being used to broadcast a general view of northern Gaza, however Israel claims they ...
Israel seized broadcast equipment during the raid, ostensibly because live Gaza footage was shared with Al Jazeera.