MARAIS, France (AP) — Shortly after D-Day in 1944, the American soldiers heading out to more fighting against Adolf Hitler’s ...
President Biden arrived in France Wednesday to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion as he seeks to solidify ...
The Viva Technology conference in Paris last week was buzzing with talk about how far France has come as a leader in ...
President Biden is set to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky while in France for the 80th anniversary of D-Day ...
Mayor charged with corruption for 'lavishing' taxpayers' money on clairvoyant who 'impersonated' his dead father ...
The present-day journey to Europe will involve the CAF aircraft being loaded with a roller bearing and a steel figurine of ...
France’s progress as a leader in AI was a hot topic of conversation at last week’s Viva Technology conference in Paris.
WWII vets who fought in D-Day landed in Paris, France, this weekend as part of a special anniversary celebration.
Spotify has been complaining about a new levy on music-streaming services in France that will fund the country's Centre National de la Musique.
According to information from Kiev, France wants to send military trainers to Ukraine. Ukraine's military Commander-in-Chief ...
Discussions with France and other countries regarding the introduction of military instructors from Ukraine's allies remain ...
The Fairfield resident boarded an Old Glory Honor Flight taking him to France on the same day as his 99th birthday ... This ...