Turks and Caicos officials have slammed remarks from US lawmakers who traveled to the islands earlier this week to press for ...
Virginia father Tyler Wenrich was reunited with his family at the Richmond airport after being detained in Turks and Caicos ...
He previously told Fox News Digital that he had ... They need to put pressure on [the Turks and Caicos government]. I've done everything I can as governor to talk to the State Department, to ...
Royal Caribbean cruise passenger Tyler Wenrich from Virginia freed after time served for ammunition possession in Turks and ...
Bryan Hagerich, 39, from Pennsylvania, was charged with possession of firearms after loose bullets were allegedly found in ...
In the past week, three state governors—Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma, and Glenn Youngkin of Virginia ...
"For an honest mistake, to lose 12 years with your family — it's unfathomable," Ashley Hagerich says about the sentence her ...
Those convicted under Turks and Caicos' firearms ordinance of possessing ammunition could face a minimum sentence of 12 years ...
The spate of charges in Turks and Caicos follows a string of other arrests of US citizens after they carried firearms or ...
In the Turks and Caicos, possession of firearms or ammunition carries a minimum 12-year sentence, though the law allows reduced sentences under “exceptional circumstances,” the local governor ...
In the Turks and Caicos, possession of firearms or ammunition carries a minimum 12-year sentence, though the law allows reduced sentences under “exceptional circumstances,” the local governor said.