An old video of hippos in a muddy creek was repeatedly shared in posts that falsely claimed it was filmed in a dried-up ...
Thirty years after Pablo Escobar's death in 1993, the notorious cartel leader's "cocaine hippos" are still wreaking havoc in one of the world's most biodiverse countries. A new study of the invasive ...
Affected areas are those of Lake Kenyatta,Widho,Mkunumbi and Moa Lakes where fishermen have also decried destruction of their ...
Hippos are threatened by habitat loss and degradation, drought, poaching and the international demand for hippo parts, including teeth, skulls, ivory, skin and meat. Adam Peyman, wildlife programs ...
Fox News national correspondent Griff Jenkins gives a 'Whatever Happened To' update on the fate of the late Pablo Escobar's hippos in Colombia on 'Special Report.' ...
It's a sex scene in a way, it's so intimate. I didn't want it to end that day, even in spite of the hippos." "The first movie I ever made where a man came up to me afterwards and said ...
With everyone standing on the edge of the arena, it’s a bit like Hungry Hungry Hippos. You can cast defensive spells that ...
The staff of Camp Okavango, already fast friends of ours, stood ankle-deep in the river, grinning and waving their arms in ...
Once the prized exotic pets of Pablo Escobar, hippos have flourished long after their importer's demise. The dangerous and potentially aggressive invaders are moving north up the Magdalena River ...
Image by Lydia Baines. Camera operator Stuart Trowell filming hippos crowded in one of the last remaining pools of the dry season. We grabbed the filming equipment and started to make our way down ...
Using thermal and infrared imaging, witness the age-old battle for survival and dominance play out between huge hippos and their predators.