Nahar, Lebanon, May 31Since the signing of the peace agreement between Egypt and Israel, the concept of normalization has ...
The militant group’s leaders dug in after being threatened with arrest, sanctions and expulsion from Doha if they didn’t ...
Israel defied ominous Egyptian warnings and took control of the Philadelphi Corridor, but the reaction from Egypt, which ...
The Biden administration is keeping up its biggest push of the eight-month-old war in Gaza to get Israel and Hamas into a ...
“One of 50 Tunnels the size of motorways Israel has discovered connecting Rafah to Egypt,” reads the caption on the post. It ...
The death of an Egyptian soldier in an exchange of fire near the Rafah crossing has added to tensions that have undermined ...
Officials from the United States, Israel and Egypt ended a meeting in Cairo on Sunday with Egypt sticking to its position ...
The IDF said on Wednesday it had seized control of a strategic corridor along Gaza’s border with Egypt to cut off smuggling ...
Israeli forces have taken control of a buffer zone along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, the country’s military said on Wednesday, giving Israel effective authority over the ...
The nine-mile-wide corridor, codenamed 'Philadelphi Corridor' by Israel's military, was the only Gaza land border Israel did ...
Smuggling tunnels that run between Egypt and the Gaza Strip are known to stretch under the area. Israel’s military had no further details about the move. Earlier Wednesday, a top Israeli ...
Israel’s military says it's seized control of a strategic corridor that runs along the length of Gaza’s border with Egypt JERUSALEM -- Israel’s military said Wednesday it seized control of a ...