In a strategic move to bolster Argentina’s economic prospects, President Javier Milei is embarking on a significant visit to ...
President Milei is seeking to develop Argentina's tech industry, while top Silicon Valley CEOs may be interested in the ...
Argentine President Javier Milei rounded up his Californian trip after a meeting with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and ...
He's then scheduled to meet with more AI entrepreneurs and the Pacific Summit on Thursday before a meeting with Meta CEO Mark ...
Sideburns, pursed lips, and two thumbs in the air—Argentina’s President Javier Milei was fully in character during a selfie ...
Javier Milei met with the creator of ChatGTP, Sam Altman, and discussed Artificial Intelligence in San Francisco on Tuesday; ...
Milei has travelled extensively since taking office in December, courting the global spotlight via friendships with rightwing ...
Argentinas president has discussed AI with Meta and Google Artificial intelligence could be key to supercharging Argentinas ...
Argentine President Javier Milei is on a Silicon Valley tour meeting with top tech CEOs, including Sundar Pichai, Mark ...
Javier Milei will meet with “four of the 10 most important businessmen in the world” during his trip to the United States, ...
Argentina's President Javier Milei will travel to the United States on May 27 for a critical visit with tech leaders. This trip comes duri ...