A high profile murder trial of a former government minister in Kazakhstan has been followed by millions and shone a spotlight ...
During the trial of Kuandyk Bishimbayev, Kazakhstan’s former economy minister, over the death of his wife, Saltanat Nukenova, ...
A former economy minister of Kazakhstan was sentenced to 24 years in prison on Monday for murdering his wife following a ...
The crushing of protests in 2022 spawned despair. A high-profile conviction has renewed hope that the law can actually bring justice.
Why is Christian Science in our name? Our name is about honesty. The Monitor is owned by The Christian Science Church, and we ...
The government of India has officially adopted TG as the abbreviation for Telangana, and the state government has decided to follow suit with immediate effect. All secretariat departments are ...
On 15 April, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev signed into law a bill that toughened the punishment for domestic violence - ...