Gharyani, has warned of what is rumored about the Egyptian government’s water exploration operations on the border with Libya ...
From Wednesday the peak, unknown duration - Kallianos calls on people in vulnerable groups and government agencies to prepare ...
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) says that 95% of Libya's land features a desert or semi-desert environment, ...
EventVibe: On the occasion of Libya's celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Arab Union for Youth ...
A statue of a bearded man striding forward was crafted from black basalt over 2,000 years ago during the Ptolemaic dynasty.
Libya's oil and gas minister resumed work on Tuesday after a suspension for two months pending a legal investigation, the ...
The Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) has arrested three men, including the mastermind of a human trafficking racket, and ...
A 2,200-year-old sculpture of a bearded man carved from basalt, unearthed in the 1930s, is believed to have been stolen in ...
Türkiye's Ambassador to Libya paid a farewell visit Sunday to Libya's prime minister and the head of its Presidential Council ...
Subscribe or upgrade your current package to support your strategic planning with the MENA region’s best source of business information. Proceed to our online shop below to find out more ...
On Thursday, the Libyan National team will square off against Mauritius at the Martyrs of February Stadium. The guests ...
Sudan and Libya secured victories in their respective groups of the African qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup on Thursday.