He serves on the board of the Marshall McLuhan Initiative (MMI) in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, and is an active member and ...
Jason McBride ...
Marshall McLuhan was one of the leading media theorists of the twentieth century. His work extended beyond academia, making him part of the ‘popular culture’ which he helped to define. This collection ...
The potential, purpose and promise of AI feels akin to the Industrial Revolution. Optimists might align it with the Age of ...
To even start to grok the powers we now possess we would do well to consult Marshall McLuhan. Like us, McLuhan lived through a time of tremendous technological upheaval. Back in the mid-20th ...
Arnaud Desplechin doesn't disagree about the magic, but he puts a different slant on things in the docufiction Filmlovers!
From Julie Tolentino’s sculptural alchemy to a new survey on Käthe Kollwitz, which reintroduces the lionized artist to a new ...
Premium online access is only available to PW subscribers. If you have an active subscription and need to set up or change your password, please click here. New to PW? To set up immediate access ...
They’re just around these screens. Which makes me think about Marshall McLuhan, who did so much to shape the way people talk about media today. He talked about screens, and really media in ...
To receive full access to Campaign's content including: Unrestricted access to all The Information and The Knowledge content Access to Campaign's in-depth features and coveted reports including ...
To theorize about the adoption of new technologies, Bogost turned to Marshall McLuhan’s conception of the media tetrad. The tetrad of media effects asks what a particular medium enhances, makes ...
Check if you have access via personal or institutional login While current scholarly interest has assured McLuhan's foundational status as media theorist, it has by no means exhausted the import of ...