Wen lächelt die Mona Lisa an und warum lächelt sie? Diese Fragen werden wohl nie beantwortet. Ein anderes Geheimnis wurde nun ...
Doch das Porträt blieb hängen und nun wollen es offenbar alle sehen. Es sei sozusagen zur Mona Lisa Australiens geworden, wie ...
When it comes to the most seen images of all time, there are probably a few candidates out there. The Mona Lisa is an obvious ...
Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa — one of the most famous paintings in the world — is shrouded in mystery; from questions around the figures identity, to her puzzling, enigmatic expression.
Mona Lisa may be smiling over this. A geologist and Renaissance art historian is claiming to have solved the centuries-old debate on the location of the Italian landscape behind Leonardo da Vinci ...
Wo könnte Leonardo da Vinci die »Mona Lisa« gemalt haben? Sitzt die lächelnde Frau vor der Romito-Brücke bei Laterina in der Toskana? Oder vor der Ponte Bobbio bei Piacenza in der Emilia-Romagna?
„Als ich nach Lecco kam, wurde mir klar, dass hier die Mona Lisa gemalt wurde“, sagte sie über die kleine Stadt am Comer See, die bisher vor allem als Schauplatz von Alessandro Manzonis ...
The mystery of where the Mona Lisa was painted might have finally been solved after a geologist and art historian claims to have tracked down the location of the famous painting. In the 500 ...
While many art historians have focused on the woman in Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Ann Pizzorusso has a different obsession — the mountain ridges in the background. Pizzorusso, a geologist ...
Since friends began visiting Paris after leaving school, so many have vented about their time wasted, lining up for hours outside the Louvre in the hot sun to see the Mona Lisa. So many described ...
There is no bottom, it seems, to the mysteries of the Mona Lisa, the Leonardo da Vinci painting that has captivated art lovers, culture vultures and the rest of us for centuries. Who is she?
Leonardo da Vincis Mona Lisa ist das vermutlich berühmteste Gemälde der Welt. Die wissenschaftlichen Publikationen zu diesem Ölbild aus dem frühen 16. Jahrhundert füllen entsprechend einige ...