Senate Republicans have blocked legislation designed to protect women's access to contraception, arguing that the bill was ...
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is shifting to campaign mode as he’s planning a series of message votes on ...
Senate Democrats are holding a vote to move forward with legislation designed to protect women’s access to contraception ...
Senate Democrats initially largely shied away from seeking votes on reproductive health issues after the Dobbs ruling in June ...
With dwindling legislative working weeks before November, Senate Democrats are shifting to more messaging bills as an ...
In 2024, 34 seats will be up for grabs, including 20 currently held by Democrats, 11 held by Republicans, and three currently ...
They say their options are limited by the court’s status as a separate branch of government and deep Republican opposition.
The Right to Contraception Act aims to protect reproductive rights as conservatives move to outlaw abortion and put in-vitro ...
Advocates rallied in Yonkers urging Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins to back a measure that would force ...
The first million-dollar ad buy is out in the governor’s race between Democratic Attorney General Josh Stein and Republican ...
To date, the effort has not produced results, as the Republicans who have promised to hold up nominees and legislation are ...
Scott, who’s up for reelection this year, previously challenged McConnell for the Republican leadership job in 2022.