One of the things that makes the upcoming Star Wars series The Acolyte so fresh and exciting is the fact that it’s set in a ...
Audiences everywhere will soon meet the first live-action Wookiee Jedi in Star Wars history: Kelnacca. He’s one of the key ...
The Acolyte may finally reveal why the Jedi Council, and Yoda, specifically, were so hesitant to train Anakin Skywalker as a ...
One of the stars of "The Acolyte" accidentally caused a hotel evacuation while training with a lightsaber for the upcoming ...
The third Star Wars Jedi installment should by no means be the last, but even if it is there is a feature it should adopt ...
Besides “The Acolyte,” other “Star Wars” projects have been announced.
The Acolyte har premiär om knappt en vecka, men inför premiären av Star Wars-serien som utspelar sig före händelserna i The ...
“You’re Beautiful”-musikern James Blunt berättar nu att cheferna för “Star Wars” ska pressat hans vän Carrie Fisher att gå ...
I n the wake of the success of The Mandalorian, Disney+ has produced many—arguably too many— Star Wars television series in ...
A new Star Wars project means new characters for its timeline — but who are the Jedi in the latest series The Acolyte?
The Acolyte is nearly here and Lucasfilm has helped with the wait by sharing five character posters and new details for Jedi ...
Exakt hur karaktären Darth Traya kan komma att inspirera ”The Acolyte” är ännu inte helt klart, men för fans av spelen ...