In another unfortunate event of a Black person being internationally detained, Ms. Sharitta Grier has been stranded in Turks ...
Virginia father Tyler Wenrich was reunited with his family at the Richmond airport after being detained in Turks and Caicos ...
Three of five Americans arrested and detained in Turks and Caicos for unknowingly having ammunition in their luggage are ...
Five Americans were arrested in Turks and Caicos within the past six months because of tightened gun control laws in the ...
Two of five Americans detained in Turks and Caicos, Ryan Watson and Sharitta Grier, explained how they came to be arrested and called their actions "an honest mistake." ...
Bryan Hagerich, 39, from Pennsylvania, was charged with possession of firearms after loose bullets were allegedly found in ...
Two of five Americans detained for possessing a few rounds, Ryan Watson and Sharitta Grier, said their experience has bonded them.
Tyler Wenrich, of Virginia, was sentenced to time served and fined $9,000 for bringing ammunition to Turks and Caicos.
A Turks and Caicos judge on Friday issued a suspended sentence to Bryan Hagerich, a Pennsylvania dad and former baseball pro arrested for possessing stray ammo on the island.
he will have to serve a prison sentence in Turks and Caicos. Still, others remain detained, including Ryan Watson, 40; Tyler Scott Wenrich, 31; Sharitta Shinse Grier, 45; and Michael Lee Evans ...
Bryan Hagerich, a Somerset County, Pennsylvania resident, was released from custody on Friday and ordered to pay a $6,700 fine, according to a News ... Turks and Caicos faces 12 years Sharitta ...