A MAJOR supermarket has cleared the shelves of massive Pepsi crates for only 25p. A picture of the fizzy drinks was posted to ...
UTRECHT – Carola Hundling is aangesteld als retail sales director Nederland. Zij wordt met haar team verantwoordelijk voor ...
After decades of trying to win the cola wars, Dr Pepper is now tied with Pepsi for the No. 2 soda spot behind Coke.
An increasing number of soda drinkers in the U.S. are getting their fizzy fix from Dr Pepper, according to sales data ...
Er zijn aanwijzingen dat psychische aandoeningen te beïnvloeden zijn door een ketogeen dieet, aldus neurowetenschapper Eline Dekeyster van de Universiteit Leiden. Ze is hoofdonderzoeker van het Lifest ...
“We stelden hun voedingspatroon vast en volgden hen daarna dertien tot twintig jaar. Het dieet was dus gemeten voordat mensen depressief werden, en daarom is het onwaarschijnlijk dat er sprake is van ...
as the old version may still be on sale. The new Pepsi formula only contains 59 calories in a 330ml serving, further reducing the sugar content's negative impact on health. Diet Pepsi and Pepsi ...
I’ll begin by stating that this is not so much an essay about Diet Pepsi as it is about wine. I came out of the COVID-19 years drinking a glass of wine a day, two if I was writing, in addition to my ...
But when comparing just Pepsi to Dr Pepper (and not including any diet varieties or other flavors), the two are neck and neck in terms of sales at retail outlets and soda fountains. A representative ...
But when comparing just Pepsi to Dr Pepper (and not including any diet varieties or other flavors), the two are neck and neck in terms of sales at retail outlets and soda fountains. A ...