Ever since its April 17, 1964, debut at the New York World’s Fair, the Ford ... 93, but now has more understeer designed in for a measure of restraint. (More than a third of current Mustang ...
If you’ve been following along with our 1991 Mustang LX 5.0 project (be sure to check out Part 1 and Part 2), you already ...
On the outside it may look like your garden variety 5.0-liter Coyote V8 found in the engine bay of a Mustang GT ... through an 87-millimeter throttle-body, the largest Ford’s ever fitted ...
Ford also became famous as a pioneer in the battle against substance abuse. July 8, 2011 — -- Betty Ford, wife of former President Gerald Ford and the founder of the Betty Ford Center for ...
Virginia baseball advances again in the NCAA tournament, while JMU wraps up a memorable sporting year, this week, on Teel & ...
Sunday’s first-round pairings for eliminations for the 11th annual NHRA New England Nationals. Top Fuel. 1. Doug Kalitta, ...
Ford hit on a combination of proportion, contemporary styling, and good old American horse sense with the SN95 Mustang.
The 1994 Ford ... Both Mustang models are as distinctive to drive as they are to look at. The GT drifts through high-energy corners with about the same tire-howling delight as the ’93, but ...