Książę Harry i Meghan Markle rozpoczęli dziś podróż do Nigerii. Małżonkowie zameldowali się już w Abudży, gdzie z samego rana spotkali się z dziećmi w Wuse Lightway Academy.
Harry i Sally poznają się w czasach studenckich, ale nie pałają do siebie zbytnią sympatią. Spotkanie po latach daje jednak początek przyjaźni. Zobacz pełny opis ...
The world is a less friendly place. Harry Schmidt, 78, of Ault, Colorado, died at his farm Wednesday, December 18th, 2013. Harry was born in Illinois to David and Lydia Schmidt of Oak Park and ...
Szaleniec o pseudonimie Skorpion strzela do ludzi z dachów i szantażuje burmistrza San Francisco. Może go unieszkodliwić jedynie inspektor Callahan, znany ze stosowania brutalnych metod wobec ...
Harry Wayne Schmidt March 23, 1920 – June 18, 2012 The kindest man…the sweetest… loved his family Harry Wayne Schmidt was born on March 23, 1920 in Hysham, MT and went peacefully to be with ...
Prince William and Princess Kate have been estranged from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for almost four years — but the future king and queen “are open” to a reconciliation, a source says.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's love story is one for the ages. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex first met in early 2016, although their romance wasn't made public until that October. While Prince ...
Though Prince Harry may not have been on the exclusive event's guestlist, which is curated by Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour, it appears that his doppelgänger was. Stunned fans took to social ...
For a lengthy stint there, it was almost impossible to tell what Prince Harry was thinking. There was Harry’s declaration of support for the monarchy, amid his heavy criticism of its foundations ...
According to royal author Tom Quinn, Prince Harry and Markle are hoping to debut their son, 5, and daughter, 2, in a more public capacity, including bringing them along on some of their future ...
Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, is a member of the British royal family and the fifth in the line of succession to the throne. He is the youngest son of King Charles III, and Diana, Princess of ...