Buddleia alternifolia’s graceful, pendant racemes in full bloom. The lightly scented lilac-blue flowers of B. alternifolia are a favorite of pollinators. Description: Deciduous shrub or small tree.
"Buddleja alternifolia is slightly different with more arching, thinner stems," he continues, "while buddleia globosa has round orange flowers and is really quite striking." It's a similar story when ...
Like the best evergreen shrubs, the butterfly bush provides plenty of interest ... to the arcing and graceful Buddleia lindleyana and Buddleia alternifolia there’s now a surprisingly wide selection ...
A bushy, deciduous shrub, up to 4m tall with lance-shaped, green leaves. The short panicles of scented, lilac coloured flowers are produced through the summer. A naturally occuring hybrid between ...
Known as the butterfly bush, Buddleja davidii bears conical, nectar-rich flowers, which attract butterflies and bees in late summer. Flowers come in a variety of colours including purple, blue, pink ...
Known as the butterfly bush, Buddleja davidii ‘Blue Horizon’ AGM and other cultivars of B. davidii are amongst the best plants for a butterfly garden. These plants are great for attracting a wide ...
This plant will provide nectar and pollen for bees and the many other types of pollinating insects. It is included in an evolving list of plants carefully researched and chosen by RHS experts. Divided ...
See why the butterfly bush is a controversial garden choice. Butterfly bushes have become one of the most popular picks for a garden, thanks to their big, bold blooms and their knack for ...
The woolly butterfly bush (Buddleia marrubiifolia) is a near-native from the neighboring Chihuahuan desert. It’s a great pollinator plant, has attractive grey-green leaves and bright orange ...
I cannot reply to all of you, but promise to do what I can. Q. Two years ago, my very big butterfly bush appeared dead, but it finally poked up one little sprig among the dead branches.