This plant will provide nectar and pollen for bees and the many other types of pollinating insects. It is included in an evolving list of plants carefully researched and chosen by RHS experts. Divided ...
But larger versions, reaching nearly 1.5m, such as Camassia leichtlinii caerulea or Camassia cusickii do work beautifully in a border and the tall starry blooms swaying in the breeze take some ...
Camassia leichtlinii: Known as large or great camas, this species grows to a height of up to 48 inches. It has blue, purple, or white blooms. Camassia quamash: This variety of camassia is more ...
Camassias put out spikes of star-shaped flowers in shades of blue, purple, or white in late spring and early summer. They come to the fore after many spring bulbs you plant in fall start to fade.
Caerulea Group are tall clump-forming bulbous perennial with long, linear leaves and star-shaped blue flowers in racemes on erect stems in late spring ...
Plant bulbs: The addition of naturalized bulbs to wildflower meadows, such as snowdrops, aconites, species tulips and camassias, increase the season of interest. In the garden design above by David ...
5. Camassia Leichtlinii 'Broadleigh Belle' ( From the small bulb specialist's own cultivars comes this beautiful mixture of lilac, pink and white camassias which are ...
Officially known as the Camassia Natural Area, a 26-acre nature preserve is home to more than 300 plant species, including wildflowers that bloom in April and May and turn the grassy plateau into ...
On weekdays from Monday 19 February until Friday 22 March visits to 'above stairs' in the Mansion are by guided tour only. Please speak to Visitor Reception on arrival to book a tour ticket. On ...
Episode 27 saw three sisters in Dorset discover how their fallen-down greenhouse could be an opportunity to transform part of their garden, while Monty planted garlic and onions, added camassias to ...