Unlike many perennials that fuss when conditions are less than favorable, purple coneflower seems to thrive. It is tolerant to drought, poor or gravelly soil and can tolerant the hottest full sun ...
This undated photo provided by Mt. Cuba Center shows formal native plantings, including Asclepias tuberosa, Echinacea ...
Die Echinacea purpurea-Kraut-Präparate sind zur unterstützenden Behandlung wiederkehrender Infekte der Atemwege und der ableitenden Harnwege bestimmt. Die Echinacea pallida-Wurzel-Präparate sind zur ...
East-West Tea company, which produces the popular Yogi brand of organic teas, has recalled over 50,000 boxes of Yogi’s “Immune Support” echinacea tea because testing revealed pesticide ...
The recalled items include the 16-count boxes of Organic Yogi Echinacea Immune Support tea bags, which come with six tea bags per pack, and four packs per box, totally nearly 900,000 bags of tea.