A clump-forming perennial. Plants make mounds, 25-30cm tall, of rather deeply dissected leaves, gold-tinged when young, then slightly marbled green. Flowering stems are to 55cm, and will scramble ...
The plants we know as geraniums aren’t actually geraniums. If you point to a geranium at a garden shop, you're actually probably identifying a Pelargonium, a member of a group of plants that have ...
The best hardy geranium varieties (aka cranesbills) provide months of color and effective ground cover. In the last 50 or 60 years, these dependable jewel-hued bloomers have become some of our most ...
Hardy geraniums (also known as cranesbills) are a fabulous choice for beds and borders and the best varieties provide pretty and colorful blooms for months, but if geranium leaves are yellow, it’s a ...
Cranesbill, or hardy geraniums are perennial border plants with saucer-shaped flowers in shades of pink, purple and blue. They are easy to grow, thrive in shade and flower for months. They’re popular ...
Geranium 'Johnson's Blue' is a fantastic cranesbill geranium, bearing masses of large, dark-veined, lavender-blue flowers that fade to pearl grey as they mature. It's an informal-looking, slightly ...
A spreading, floriferous hardy geranium with deeply divided yellowish-green leaves and abundant clear violet-blue flowers with paler centres, and fine reddish veins, borne on periphery of foliage; ...
Geranium prefers moist, nutritious and well-drained soil. Choose a well-lit place in the garden or in the house for the plant. If you grow geraniums outside, move the pots indoors in the fall to ...
But of late, the humble geranium is having something of a fashion moment. When the designer Cath Kidston launched her bodycare brand C. Atherley last year, for example, she based it entirely on ...
The painting of pot red geraniums with whitish centers in a blue and white pot, placed on a white plate with a blue and black fruit and flower design which is placed slightly off-center. The plate ...