Storm of the Century is a television miniseries written by horror icon and master storyteller Stephen King. Unlike many of his novels that turned into drama series and movies, this masterpiece is ...
Do you remember where you were for the blizzard of 1993? It brought wicked winds, and over twenty inches of snow. Wednesday, ...
Tim Daly (Constable Mike Anderson)Colm Feore (Andre Linoge)Debrah Farentino (Molly Anderson)Jeffrey DeMunn (Town Manager Robbie Beals)Julianne Nicholson (Katrina Withers)Becky Ann Baker (Ursula ...
The country was just starting to recover from the Great Depression when the ferocious beast with its 200 mile-an-hour winds and violent storm surge overpowered nearly everything in it's path.
At least 320 religious houses and hospitals for the care of lepers (known as leper or 'lazar' houses) were established in England between the end of the 11th century and 1350. The houses were usually ...
A small Maine island community is besieged by a powerful storm and held hostage by a mysterious stranger who demands they hand over one of their children to him to prevent mass destruction.
Music underwent an extraordinary transformation from the mid-15th to the early 17th century, when new types of musical instruments developed and existing instruments were produced in ever greater ...
As the leading film historian and critic Maltin admitted, "these are not the only great films of the century, or the only ones worth seeing." They could have been supplemented with more silent films, ...
During the first two decades of the 20th century the police in England and Wales recorded an average of 90,000 indictable offences each year, a figure which increased to over 500,000 during the 1950s.
We face a global crisis of trust. COVID-19 has caused the greatest ever recorded reversal in human development. It has also compounded the crises that we already face: planet threatening climate ...
Vlados, Charis and Chatzinikolaou, Dimos 2022. Mutations of the emerging new globalization in the post-COVID-19 era: beyond Rodrik’s trilemma. Territory, Politics ...