Liquidambar styraciflua, also known as the American sweetgum tree, is probably the most popular type of liquidambar tree across the board. Known for their height, these trees can grow up to 80 feet ...
A compact, rounded tree, often grown as a standard pom pom tree. Leaves are alternate, maple-like and dense and take on brilliant and long-lasting autumn colour. Flowers and fruits are inconspicuous, ...
Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) is a gorgeous native ornamental tree often used in landscaping as a shade tree and for its sheer unmatched beauty. The best time to prune your sweetgum tree is ...
A deciduous tree with a branching pyramidal habit, growing to about 20m tall. Deeply divided, maple-like, rich green leaves with long narrow lobes, turn to shades of orange and yellow in autumn.
Find out how to grow a native sweet gum tree so you can enjoy its shade and beautiful fall foliage. Sweet gum trees ...
Sweet gum trees, also called Liquidambar styraciflua, are one of arborist Ned Cromack's drought-tolerant trees of choice. They are one of the best trees for fall color, when their foliage appears to ...
Storax is an oily resin (balsam) from Liquidambar orientalis or Liquidambar styraciflua tree trunks. The wood secretes storax when the bark is damaged. Storax contains chemicals that might have ...
The American Sweetgum tree (Liquidambar styraciflua) is a deciduous hardwood tree native to the southeastern United States. It belongs to the Altingiaceae family and is known for its vibrant fall ...
As I approached the tupelo trees (Nyssa sylvatica) at the edge of our property last Saturday, I noticed a faint humming sound ...
Floral sketch of Plane tree for botanical summer design. American sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), also known as American storax,hazel pine. bilsted, redgum, satin-walnut, star-leaved gum, ...
Stunning, 100-year-old purple cut-leaved Japanese Maples, below the Bastion, are an autumn staple. The Liquidambar styraciflua tree, down by the boathouse in the garden, makes a stunning photo ...
Look out for the sweet gum Liquidambar styraciflua located on the Pasture Ground near Stone Bridge which has the most amazing tinges of purples, yellows and oranges in their leaves. Whilst on the ...