African violets, those cheerful, shade-loving houseplants native to Tanzania and introduced to the U.S. in the late 1800s, are finally having their day in the sun: the National Garden Bureau has ...
The Sun is reaching the maximum point of activity in an 11-year cycle. This means that we can expect more explosive ...
May saw the strongest auroras in recent memory. As the sun gets more active, those light shows may be a preview of what’s to come until at least 2026.
Thousands of practical and protective sun hats are available ... I know it’s not too much to ask because my Tango Zulu African Straw Hat—or Bolga hat, after the Bolgatanga region of northern ...
AGADIR, Morocco (AP) — The head of the U.S. military in Africa vigorously defended the country’s counterterrorism strategy on the continent and vowed to press forward with it despite a wave of ...
The potentially-habitable planet, named ... The Origin of the Sun's Magnetic Field Could Lie Close to Its Surface May 22, 2024 — Surprise findings suggest sunspots and solar flares could be ...
The quick turn-around from what was originally presented as an Israel initiative to one that Israel merely ‘accepts’ — and that it must be urged to implement — is raising eyebrows at Jerusalem. Unlike ...
Having fun under the sun means that redness, peeling and sunburns are likely, which is why you’ll want to have a soothing after-sun lotion on hand this summer. Unlike sunscreen, which contains ...
LIVINGSTONE, Zambia, May 31 (Reuters) - Five Southern African countries on Friday committed to expanding the use of a special common visa to allow easier movement of tourists as the region seeks ...
The Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL) met in Namibia’s capital on Thursday to discuss ways to blunt the impact of rising ...
What Muriu didn’t realize at the time was that those photo shoots with her sisters were the first step in a lifelong curiosity surrounding beauty and African womanhood. Muriu designs outfits to ...
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