Trois sœurs ont vu leur restaurant fermé administrativement par les autorités quelques heures à peine après la venue de la leader de l'opposition Maria Corina Machado, en campagne pour la ...
The reimposition of U.S. sanctions on Venezuela’s oil industry in response to anti-democratic actions taken by President ...
And while the US might have lifted its prohibition on secondary market trading of Venezuelan bonds, it reimposed tough ...
Venezuela's oil exports recovered in May from a low figure the previous month as state oil company PDVSA's customers rushed to take cargoes ahead of the resumption of U.S. sanctions on the South ...
The United States appears to be inclined to let international oil companies with existing operations in Venezuela continue ...
CARACAS - Venezuela's opposition is carrying out an unusual presidential campaign starring two major figures, as primary ...
Venezuela has revoked its invitation for the European Union to send election observers for a presidential contest in July, Elvis Amoroso, the head of the National Electoral Council (CNE) said on ...
Two Citgo oil executives detained for nearly five years in Venezuela have sued their former employer for more than $400 ...
À tout juste deux mois de l'élection présidentielle au Venezuela, pour laquelle le sortant Nicolas Maduro est candidat à un troisième mandat consécutif, le Conseil national électoral fait ...
selon RBC 03/06 MT TCO déclare avoir achevé la maintenance du champ pétrolier de Tengiz au Kazakhstan en mai 03/06 RE Les exportations de pétrole du Venezuela augmentent de 30 % en mai pendant la ...
Venezuela is set to hold presidential elections at the end of July, but few expect the contest to be fair as long as dictator ...
Venezuela's National Electoral Council has revoked the European Union's invitation to observe the upcoming presidential ...