A compact perennial to 60cm tall, with small, aromatic, purple-flushed leaves on slender stems. These are topped with clusters of tiny purple flowers with red-purple bracts from early to late summer ...
Don't confuse marjoram with oregano (Origanum vulgare), which is also referred to as winter marjoram or wild marjoram. There isn't enough information to know how marjoram might work. There isn't ...
Oregano ( Origanum vulgare) wird auch Gewöhnlicher Dost oder Wilder Majoran genannt, darf aber nicht mit dem Majoran ( Origanum majorana) verwechselt werden, da es sich dabei um eine andere ...
Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is an herb used to flavor foods. It is considered safe in common food amounts, but has little evidence of health benefits. Oregano has olive-green leaves and purple flowers.
Vork.: Europa, Kleinasien bis Himalaja und Sibirien. Drogen: 1. Origani aetheroleum (syn. Aetheroleum Origani, Oleum Origani); Dostenöl (syn. Origanumöl), das ...