Legends regarding many of these flowers abound in Christian folklore. For instance, it is related that Ornithogalum arabicum, Star-of-Bethlehem, first appeared on this earth on the night of Christ's ...
O. umbellatum is a bulbous perennial, often spreading rapidly by offsets, with linear leaves each with a white mid-vein, and umbel-like racemes of star-shaped white flowers, green on the outside, in ...
Caring for an orange star plant is pretty easy, once you get to know their growing habits. Also known as the Star of Bethlehem, snake flower and sun star, these vibrant flowering bulbs – with their ...
O. nutans is a perennial with strap-shaped leaves with a silvery central veins. Erect stems to 45cm bear one-sided racemes of up to 15 nodding, bell-shaped white flowers 3cm in width, with a green ...