'Mops' is a slow-growing evergreen conifer making a medium-sized shrub of bushy, rounded habit, with slender, paired dark green needles up to 3cm in length ...
'Kissen' is a dwarf pine tree, with pairs of short, deep green needles, forming a mound of less than 30cm in 10 years ...
(The Scots Pine, Pinus sylvestris, is however classed as invasive in the ... A short list of ones that are hardy to zone 2 is Jack Pine, Red Pine, and Mugo Pine. If you are looking for the ...
Lemons can be bought waxed or unwaxed. Waxed are fine if you’re just using the juice. Choose unwaxed lemons if you’re planning to use the zest, or give your waxed lemons a good scrub with a ...
The term “preserved lemons” usually means salted lemons that are lacto fermented. However, there are different ways to preserve lemons. For example, a jar of lemon curd has likely been canned so it ...
Curious foodies of TikTok are now eating lemons whole — rind and all. The trend started thanks to one user’s discovery of snackable lemons by an Italian company called Lemon Snack. People on ...
Micere Githae Mugo was a fearless writer, poet, and activist who was hailed a 'Kenyan Literary Heroine' and named one of the top most influential writers in Kenya. [File, Standard] Renowned ...
Lemon (Citrus limon) is a type of citrus fruit. It contains high levels of citric acid. The fruit, juice, and peel are used to make medicine. Lemon contains antioxidants called bioflavonoids.