When I fixate on the myriad ways the world promises fulfillment, I usually end up restless and unsatisfied. But when I focus ...
In 2004, psychologist Barry Schwartz wrote a book called “The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less.” In this book he argues that having more choices can actually lead to anxiety and worse decision ...
The brands we choose become extensions of our identity. Markers of our aesthetic, style, beliefs, and other definitions which ...
Barry Schwartz, PhD, American psychologist and author of The Paradox of Choice, told The Guardian that this occurs because wit is easier to imagine that there is something (or someone) better when ...
Understanding the psychology behind user behavior is crucial for designing products that are not only functional but also ...
Relationships are a lot like bonfires. For real. To ensure either lasts, you must devote time and energy to building a foundation and maintaining the flames. After an initial spark, the fire grows and ...
Mac Gaither ’24, an environmental studies major from Palo Alto, Calif., presented his thesis research on science fiction ...