Emiliano Bruner and Tim Schuurman, of the Paleoneurobiology of Hominins Group at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre ...
The recent discovery of a complete Genyornis newtoni skull has given scientists their first face-to-face encounter with the ...
Spanish scientists have found the oldest case of oncological intervention in remains dating back 4,000 years, when the ...
A skull dug up in Egypt has suggested ancient Egyptians were ... Ancient Egyptians were known to be highly skilled at ...
An ‘extraordinary’ 4,000-year-old Egyptian skull shows signs of attempts to treat cancer. Cutmarks on the skull could be ...
A rare fossil skull provides strong evidence that the Dromornithidae, an extinct group of Australian flightless birds, were ...
Only through extensive comparisons of dromornithid skull fossils with those of these relatives could we interpret the anatomy ...
a professor of anatomy and paleontology at Ohio University who was not involved in the research. “The skull is always the prize simply because so much important information is in the head ...
In a proof-of-concept study, a research team based at the Keck School of Medicine of USC showed that functional ultrasound imaging can record brain activity through a transparent skull implant.
Fossilized skull fragments of the beastly bird, which stood 7 feet tall and weighed 500 pounds, were found in 1913, but they provided very little context or evidence about the animal’s life and ...
A multidisciplinary research team from Sorbonne University has digitally resconstructed the face of a young Napoleonic ...
The team was mainly convinced by the anatomy of the beak and skull, including the arrangement of muscles and modifications to the bone where they attach. The structure in Genyornis is near ...