TAIPEI/BEIJING -- China is urging the country's top automakers to source up to a quarter of their chips locally by 2025 as the world's biggest car market looks to build a competitive and self ...
On Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, posts on “small-town literature” have amassed over 470 million views. “It’s a unique aesthetic,” said 23-year-old photographer Tang Zihan from Sichuan ...
The Chinese Communist Party paid for multiple trips to China for small-town Iowa high schoolers who exchanged letters with President Xi Jinping and praised the country and its leader. Shocking ...
SINCE CHINA re-embraced capitalism decades ago, rich rewards have flowed to entrepreneurs who understand what the Communist Party wants. Today grasping what the party dislikes may be a more ...
But at its best, that forum is a bulwark against anarchy. Its five permanent members—America, Britain, China, France and Russia—are balanced by a further ten governments elected to two-year terms.
China is investing heavily into its endeavours, said Professor Tomoo Marukawa of the University of Tokyo’s Institute of Social Science. “The government investments have been quite successful ...
Background explainers, news and analysis on relations between China and India, the second and seventh largest economies in the world, covering trade, military, border issues and tensions between ...
This journal utilises an Online Peer Review Service (OPRS) for submissions. By clicking "Continue" you will be taken to our partner site https://mc.manuscriptcentral ...
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Meanwhile, the People’s Republic of China continues to harass and intimidate its neighbors, and Washington is more acutely aware of the threat of a Chinese attack against Taiwan. More attention ...
China Real Estate Newspaper, a publication managed by the housing ministry, said the "heavyweight policies" marked "a significant historic moment" for the sector. China's CSI 300 Real Estate index ...
SINGAPORE: A new COVID-19 variant gaining ground globally is unlikely to trigger a new infection wave in China as it accounts for a fraction of local cases, which are already at low levels ...