Diboll is now 42 years into the business of propagating and selling seeds and plants of native Midwestern and Eastern species ...
'Pink Glow' is a clump-forming, long-lived perennial producing spikes of very pale pink flowers in summer and early autumn ...
'Lavendelturm' is a tall herbaceous perennial to 2m, with long, narrow spires of tiny, pale lavender-blue flowers above whorls of narrow, dark green, pointed leaves ...
The lavender-flowered nativar Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Lavender Towers’ was more popular with pollinators than the white-flowered native. The deep-red flowers atop chocolatey foliage of Lobelia ...
Culver's Root, botanically known as Veronicastrum virginicum has all of these virtues, yet for some mysterious reason, it has yet to gain recognition within the gardening community. The apparent ...
Consider Culver’s root (Veronicastrum virginicum), he said, “one of my absolute top 10 favorites.” In summer, the three- to six-footer is topped with candelabras fashioned of wands of tiny ...
Beginning in early summer and lasting for months, culver's root (Veronicastrum virginicum) produces impressive, candelabra-shaped panicles of sparkling white blossoms on stems that can reach six feet ...
80cm I love a plant pun and I often wonder if ‘Fascination’, a tall long-flowering veronicastrum with lavender flowers, is a play on the botanical word ‘fasciation’ because some flower ...