In reality, these massive engines are going into drag cars, but there are plenty of historically slow rides that could use the extra oomph. It's a high crime and misdemeanor to engine swap a properly ...
"With this set of regulations, the FIA has sought to develop a new generation of cars that are fully in touch with the DNA of ...
FIA has introduced some much-awaited changes, which will make Formula 1 cars lighter and shorter from the 2026 season.
These rare Mercury Cyclone GT Drag Pak models are hard to find in 2024, so HotCars decided to find out just how much they're ...
Undoubtedly one of the more underappreciated Pontiac muscle cars, the 1971 Pontiac GT-37 sat just below the ... the 1963 ...
Ferrari’s not-a-sport-utility-vehicle pureblooded Purosangue goes head-to-head against Lamborghini, Porsche, Aston Martin, ...
The changes are sizable, and F1’s rule-makers hope they place a greater emphasis on driver skill behind the wheel.
The most iconic Pontiac muscle cars brought power and style at an affordable price - at least, they used to. Here's how much ...
A greater onus will be placed on drivers' skill when Formula One launches a new era of smaller, more nimble and greener cars ...
The key takeaway is that the 2026 cars will be smaller and lighter than the current-spec machines, with the maximum wheelbase ...
Beginning in 2026, the Drag Reduction System, more commonly known as DRS, will no longer be a part of Formula 1. Instead, the ...
Formula One will introduce an era of smaller, lighter cars with active aerodynamics and a Manual Override system. These ...