Earthworms have both male and female sexual organs. Most species require a partner for mating. During mating, sperm are exchanged and stored in one of the segments of the worm. The cocoon casing is ...
T hough they may look like simple creatures, earthworms are anything but. In fact, Charles Darwin spent 40 years observing ...
Imagine a gene that promotes sexual reproduction, such as by making it more likely that a plant will reproduce via sexually produced seeds as opposed to some asexual process (e.g., budding ...
I HAVE long been familiar with the frequent occurrence of dead earthworms in surface “puddles” alongside gravel walks or roads, as described by Mr. Friend in NATURE of April 7, p. 172.
Emma Sherlock, Curator of Free-living Worms at the Museum, explains why we should love earthworms more. Find out what you could unearth in your garden and how to entice your new friends to the surface ...
Once declared by Aristotle to be “the intestines of the earth,” earthworms have been recognized for centuries as essential to the health of our planet's soil. But one of the most interesting ...
UPV/EHU researcher Irantzu Vergara has managed to simultaneously analyze several families of antibiotics in vegetables and earthworms. Sampling carried out in various locations of the Basque ...
Springs resident Haleta Labuschagne from Haleta’s Earthworms was invited to share her insights on creating the perfect worm farm. According to Labuschagne, earthworms are the unseen heroes of ...
And they can thank earthworms from a local bait shop for the idea. No, these little invertebrates didn’t throw on a pair of glasses and bowtie like the character from BookWorm and run the tests ...
The quiet invasion of non-native earthworms across North America, once considered benign, has been revealed as a significant ...
Earthworms could die out if urgent action is not taken, experts have warned. Recent data suggests that the UK's earthworm population has decreased by a third over the past 25 years. This decline ...
Britain’s earthworms are dying. There is an urgent need for new studies to assess the health of the UK’s earthworms, experts have said, pointing to stark data suggesting that their population ...