The EU will sign a contract on Tuesday to secure over 40 million doses of a preventative avian flu vaccine for 15 countries ...
The surge of the populist Right in Sunday’s elections to the European Parliament means it must have dawned on even Keir ...
仕事にエンタメ、欲張り派が選んだ高スペックPCはコレ! マウスコンピューターのノートPCを編集部がお試し。ビジネスかエンタメか…それぞれの特徴を実際に使って徹底比較! 両方使った感想は? スパイスの概念覆す…エスビー食品の新商品が凄すぎる!
Türkiye and the European Union mutually need each other for various reasons and it is disheartening to see no progress being ...
With the European Parliament elections now under way, millions of EU citizens are finalizing their decisions about which ...
Far right parties made gains in the European Parliament election, adding uncertainty to the EU's future political direction.
An Italian far-right party is utilizing Facebook and Instagram to push AI-generated images, part of an inflammatory social ...
Tens of thousands of flag-waving Israelis held an annual march through East Jerusalem on Wednesday to mark its capture in a ...
A decision has not yet been made regarding the fate of the VVD faction within the European Parliament group Renew Europe. The ...
濃厚でクリーミーな「海のチーズ」 身がぎっしり「岩ガキ」出荷最盛期 三重・紀北町 1107作品の頂点なるか!? 岐阜愛する控えめな高校生 “雑煮日本一”最終決戦に挑む ...
Belarusian flag-carrier Belavia has failed to convince the European General Court to lift restrictions on the carrier, ...
The Manila Times on MSN16 時間
Pledge at flag rites needs law – senators
SENATE President Francis Escudero said a new law amending the Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines is needed to ...