A Syrian Kurdish political party, long pressured by the PKK terrorist group and its Syrian wing YPG, is rejecting the ...
The child, who was caught up in the suspected gangland shooting while having dinner with her family in east London last ...
Turkey’s defense minister says plans by U.S.-backed Kurdish groups to hold local elections in northern Syria are ...
Lawmakers from Turkey's ruling AK Party and the pro-Kurdish DEM Party brawled in parliament's general assembly on Tuesday over the detention and replacement of a DEM Party mayor in southeast Turkey.On ...
More than a dozen legislators from Turkey’s pro-Kurdish party have staged a demonstration in parliament to denounce the arrest and expulsion from office of a newly elected mayor ...
Turkey's interior ministry said on Monday a pro-Kurdish mayor had been dismissed and replaced by a local governor for allegedly belonging to a "terrorist" organisation. It was the first dismissal of a ...
For more stories from The Media Line go to themedialine.org.“The so-called election efforts that threaten the territorial integrity of Syria will negatively affect peace and tranquility in the region, ...
But one regional democratic process has mostly gone under the radar. The Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), often called Rojava by Kurds, is set to hold local ...
Last night, the Hakkari Municipality in southeastern Turkey was raided by police, leading to the detention of co-mayor Mehmet ...
Lawyers and politicians condemned the detention of the owner of a Kurdish language-only café in the city of Diyarbakir who has been accused of 'terrorist propaganda'. Turkish riot police guard ...
Mehmet Sıddık Akış, the co-mayor of the Hakkari province and member of the pro-Kurdish DEM Party, was arrested by security forces and replaced by a government-appointed trustee.
Police detained a pro-Kurdish party mayor in southeast Türkiye on Monday over alleged militant links and he has been replaced ...