How many minutes per week do you think you can be exactly yourself? That’s the question host Steve Cuss poses at the beginning of this episode, and it takes on specific meaning as he converses with ...
Christians who wave away the former president’s sexual immorality may be the most anti-Trump constituency of all.
An excerpt on grief, forgiveness, and the gospel from Beechdale Road: Where Mercy Is More Powerful Than Murder.
Historian William Lumpkin, once professor of church history at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, wrote that “Outside ...
When engaging with Aquinas, it would be foolish to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Yet evangelical Thomists cannot ...
As the SBC debates restrictions around titles and roles, female leaders continue their work in women’s ministry in their ...
With Modi’s BJP denied an outright majority, church leaders hope the restoration of coalition politics in Parliament will ...
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists ...
A German soldier found by Christ in a prisoner of war camp, he became a renowned Christian scholar who taught that “God weeps ...
While reporting from conflict zones in Africa and the Middle East, Adriana Carranca met evangelical missionaries sent from ...
Bankman-Fried’s name and story are inextricably connected to the new ethical thinking of Silicon Valley, which is ...
Among the former president’s antagonists and admirers alike, there is a great deal of calling evil good and good evil.