Social-media users were amused by the sighting in the viral clip, with one saying, "thought we were looking at a nice tie." ...
As snakes start to come out of hibernation they are becoming more and more of a presence in the yard. How can you keep your ...
An invasive, air-breathing fish with the head of a snake has been spotted slithering around Missouri ... been wiggling their ...
At home, you may encounter spiders that love human dwellings, like cellar spiders, also known as daddy long legs, spindly ...
The conspicuous reptile renderings spotted along the Orinoco River likely functioned as territorial markers, akin to ...
Warren Dick, a Durban snake catcher, shares how he was bitten by a black mamba while trying to release it safely.
Rock art along the Orinoco river in South America is made up of some of the largest etchings we know of and could date back ...
The mock viper, native to Asia, is only mildly venomous itself, but it looks and behaves in a remarkably similar way to ...
A viral video shows villagers uncovering alleged witchcraft items, including snake skins, human hair and photographs. People ...
The amazing moment was captured during a man's morning routine in a remote part of Australia. See the photos here.
Enormous engraved rock art of anacondas, rodents and other animals along the Orinoco River in Colombia and Venezuela may have ...
They said the NYPD’s Emergency Service Unit later arrived on scene, secured the snake, and removed it safely to the ASPCA. Police said the snake was around 5 feet long and the investigation is ongoing ...