ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - An explosive device went off in a vehicle in Syria’s eastern province of Deir ez-Zor on Saturday, ...
where I began working as a journalist and later as an editor for a social media news agency for more than seven years. My ...
According to the Russian news agency TASS, the Deputy Chief of the Russian Reconciliation ... four hideouts of “militants” in ...
Syrian rebels have been hired to fight and provide security at gold mines and factories in African countries, several rebel ...
The governments of seven European Union member states said Friday the situation in Syria should be re-evaluated to allow for ...
Israeli airstrikes near the Syrian city of Aleppo early Monday killed an Iranian military adviser, Iranian media reported, ...
At least seven people drowned and 20 were injured, most of them children, when a school bus skidded off the road and plunged ...
Najjar, 52, wrote in an email sent to De Telegraaf that he had killed his 18-year-old daughter Rayan al-Najjar with his bare ...
Six people have been confirmed dead after a school bus went off the road into a river in northwest Syria on Thursday, ...
Two tourist resorts will be constructed by Russian companies on the Syrian cost amid a continued economic crisis caused by ...
An official of the Civil Defense organization, also known as the White Helmets, said rescue teams ended their search for ...