Activists of the initiative “Starving until you’re honest” want to pressure German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to a public ...
Protestants, who have more than 170 churches or communities in Turkey, mostly in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, have been facing ...
The situation depends on the international political developments as well as the regional ones," said Sarkis Kassargian, a ...
Locals gathered in the Hatay province to protest residential areas being designated as “reserve zones”, that would grant the ...
According to the latest report of the Council of Europe, Turkey continues to lead Europe in prison population with a total of ...
BDS Turkey, the movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, has achieved another victory in its struggle ...
Journalist Kazım Kızıl, who was on the scene covering the fire in Gülderen, was subjected to aggressive threats from company ...
More than 1,000 imams in Germany are deployed and paid by the Turkish Directorate of Religious Affairs, Diyanet. Germany ...
Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları stated that the right to vote and be elected ...
This time, instead of the usual redaction of some sentences, entire sections of the letter were completely covered up and ...
DEM Party Spokesperson Ayşegül Doğan was banned from boarding a flight at Istanbul Airport to attend the meeting of the ...
Nil Ormanlı from the Association for Derivation Economy and Climate Project evaluated June 5 World Environment Day ...