Live Nation’s net profit over the recent fiscal year hovered around 1%. That’s hardly the sort of margin that one might expect from a monopoly meriting the sort of persecution that Biden’s DOJ now ...
At CFIF, the issue of improving taxpayer privacy and protection against persistent abuse by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) remains among our most important missions. Among the ...
The truth is, almost all the negative claims that Democrats made in opposing the Trump tax cuts in 2017 were proven to be ...
Whatever they can get him for is fine with me. That is perhaps the most succinct and direct explanation for the wave of Democratic lawfare we have seen in the runup to the 2024 vote. The trial of ...
Instead of erecting barriers to trade, policymakers should focus on creating an environment more conducive for manufacturing ...
If investors WANT to invest in advertised ESG funds, they have every right to do so. It's their money after all. But imposing ...
Even with subsidies, mandates and endless puffery about the alleged upsides, carmakers lose around $6,000 on every $50,000 EV ...
Prices and wages set on market dynamics reflect underlying economic realities and then send out a signal for help. Price ...
Remember, the Republicans have narrowly controlled the House since the midterm elections of 2022, which has put a modest ...
American colleges and universities have long been considered tops in the world, but this preeminence won't last if they ...
How could Democrats focus so feverishly on Trump's 2020 election denial while doing some of the same stuff themselves, only ...
Just as Biden’s domestic policy of heavier regulation and bigger government have weakened our economy and punished working ...