The prices set by the Syrian Interim Government (SIG) for purchasing wheat from farmers have caused anger and dissatisfaction ...
Qasim al-Fahd, a shoe merchant in eastern rural Deir Ezzor, told Enab Baladi that the shoes known as klash sandals were ...
The French National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office has appealed to the Paris Judicial Court after charges against former ...
“To preserve your life, we amputated your right leg,” with these words, inside a room at the Sham and Sakura Hospital in Istanbul, Syrian young man Sari Hassan Watti woke up, who survived the ...
During the years of conflict, Syria has transformed into a “drone laboratory” for various countries and armed groups, according to a report by the Dutch peace-building organization “PAX.” The report ...
Today, Sunday, May 26, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced the appointment of a new ambassador to Damascus for the first time since 2012. The Saudi newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat reported that Dr. Faisal ...
Farmers along the Syrian-Jordanian border in Daraa governorate resorted to harvesting their wheat and barley crops early, ...
Residents of Ras al-Ain in northwest al-Hasakah suffer frequent electrical appliance failures due to unstable electrical current and their inability to install current stabilizers. While walking ...
During the past period, the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) issued a series of economic decisions aimed at regulating the financial sector in its areas of control. The latest ...
Halim Muhammad A group of purebred Arabian horse breeders in the eastern countryside of Daraa province, southern Syria, […] ...
Activist Abd al-Rahman Talib considered the deployment of the military in the streets an escalation in handling the situation, ruling out a current rise in violence since the reconciliation initiative ...
In recent years, there has been a clear trend within the Syrian regime government to support tobacco cultivation and farmers ...