The applications were received for the first stage of HDB's TEPIX III Loans Fund to provide small and medium-sized ...
In a world of multiple global challenges, Greece can play the role of a bridge, Minister of Foreign Affairs Gerapetrits said ...
The first health technology assessment (HTA) in Greece was held at the Health Ministry on Tuesday, with the participation of ...
Mendoni was commenting on developments relating to the Parthenon Sculptures at the 24th session of the UNESCO ...
As part of his trip to New York, the foreign minister will attend the process of Greece's election to the Security Council ...
The regalia can be seen at the Hellenic Parliament's Trophies Hall and they include the king's crown, scepter, and sword.
The Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity held their 86th Annual Gala on Friday evening, May 31, 2024, at 583 Park Avenue in New York City. This year the Cathedral community, led by V. Rev.
The mission of AHEPA is to promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, family etc ...
Marinakis also referred to the European elections, saying that "the number of postal votes that have already been received exceeds 150,000." ...
On Monday 20, May 2024 people listened to the most chilling revelations—a bombshell in fact—about the long awaited UK ...
The Pm was briefed regarding the operation of the centre and the fire protection mechanisms, as well as the control of the flow of rivers ...
The improvement in relations between Greece and Türkiye was one of the topics discussed between the White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and the Turkish President’s Chief Advisor for ...