Your support allows The Imprint to provide independent, nonpartisan daily news covering the issues faced by vulnerable ...
The light that burns inside of us started from a spark. If we're not careful, that spark could turn into a wildfire, writes ...
Part two of The Imprint’s analysis reveals how New York counties that prioritize kin are keeping foster children within ...
Senators on the Senate Finance Committee inquired about progress in implementing the Family First Prevention Services Act ...
A prominent civil rights committee has released a report describing persistent discrimination in New York’s child welfare system.
A popular college aid program for Minnesota foster youth received a one-year reprieve after young people showed up en masse ...
Aaron Toleafoa began his work in juvenile “justice” reform in 2017, centering on reimagining the way young people are treated while inside carceral facilities and prisons like the one he’s currently ...
The Lakota historian Joseph Marshall III said that “success is rarely the result of one fell swoop, but more often the culmination of many, many small victories.” The notion of one day at a time never ...